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Therapeutic Protocols of Biostimulation

In the field of biostimulation Istituto Rinaldi Fontani is a center of excellence, since the research developed by the Institute has revolutionized the therapeutic prospects in Regenerative and Anti-Aging Medicine (read more), as it is proven by the publications in leading scientific journals of international standing.

Tissue Optimization is the name that groups this set of treatment protocols that are divided in various types:

  • Base: to treat inflammatory situations and acute and chronic outcomes of trauma.
  • Reparative: for promoting the repair of both superficial and deep tissues. Basic protocol in Anti-Aging Medicine (read more).
  • Regenerative
  • For metabolic improvement
  • For circulation improvement

With the exception of Tissue Optimization Base, other types require specific REAC device of B.E.N.E. typology, which is specially enabled for these protocols.

Rinaldi Fontani Institute - Viale Belfiore 43, 50144 Florence - Phone +39 055 290307 -
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