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What is Neuromodulation?
Neuromodulation is a medical treatment with advanced technologies that use electric currents or electromagnetic fields for the treatment of the Central Nervous System (brain and marrow) and/or the Peripheral Nervous System. In the most common neuromodulation methods, electric currents and electromagnetic fields are used in an obtruding way to stimulate or inhibit the production of neurotransmitters responsible for the various functions of the brain regions.
REAC Technology Neuromodulation Protocols use asymmetric conveyed radio electric fields. This technology allows to modulate cellular electro-metabolic activity by performing a non-aggressive action compared to other neuromodulation techniques.

Neuromodulation with REAC Technology
The Central and Peripheral Nervous System is the main actor in the interaction between human beings and environment. This interaction continues throughout life and it already affects us from the uterine life, when the neurological and psychic development of the embryo is epigenetically conditioned by environmental factors, in particular by nutrition and maternal stress. Epigenetic modifications can already occur during uterine life and remain stable throughout life.
Environmental factors such as nutrition, psychosocial factors, chemicals and physical stimuli will epigenetically model us even during adulthood.
These epigenetic changes will condition our survival and our health, expressing with different degrees of pervasive capacity and in both functional and organic alterations.
Several studies have shown that epigenetic mechanisms influence and alter neurogenic processes and brain plasticity, thus acting on brain functions. In particular, these processes concern the frontal and prefrontal cortex that plays a crucial role in cognitive processes, decision making processes, and movement. It should also be emphasized that the Central Nervous System controls the whole body solely through these subsystems: the Nervous System, the Endocrine System, the Immune System and the Neuromotor System.
This implies that epigenetic factors make permanent changes to the proper functioning of the Nervous System and consequently they induce changes, even pathological, also on other organs and apparatus of our body, resulting in disorders of psycho-emotional-behavioral, vegetative, endocrine, immune and motor control functions.
The mechanism of action of REAC technology allows a complete re-balancing of neurotransmitters and altered neurological and psychic functions, resulting in a progressive optimization of the neurological, psychic and physical response to the interaction between human being and the environment. REAC Technology Neuromodulation Protocols are designed to counteract the outcomes of functional epigenetic alterations and thus constitute a strategic tool from a therapeutic point of view. In fact, the progressive reduction of dysfunctional component, which is present in every disorder or pathology, allows a progressive recovery of altered functions and thus of quality of life. By remodeling the overall functions of the nervous system, the REAC Technology Neuromodulation protocols have a large and effective relapse also on psycho-emotional-behavioral, vegetative, endocrine, immune and motor control dysfunctions.
Treatment protocols with REAC Technology in the field of Neuromodulation find their natural application in various ambits of medicine, in light of the fact that the Central and Peripheral Nervous System implements its control over all organs and systems of our body.

In particular in:
  • ADVANCED REHABILITATION IN: Neurology, Orthopaedics, Traumatology, Rheumatology, Pneumology, ORL, Dentistry

In these areas, listed below are the most commonly treated conditions:

Neuralgic syndromes, Neuritis, Paresis of the facial, Outcomes from vascular accidents (stroke), Neuromotor Dystonia, Balance disorders, Meniere's Syndrome, Epilepsy syndromes, Headache, Migraine, Neurodegenerative Diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson, Dementia), Outcome from Neonatal hypoxia, Neuropathic pain, Neurovegetative syndromes.

Phobia and anxiety, Obsessive-compulsive syndromes, Post traumatic neurosis, Depressive syndromes, Bipolar disorder, Dysthymia, Anorexia, Bulimia, Addiction, Neuroasthenia, Psychophysiological disorders.

Stress related diseases that most commonly occur in our Institute, divided into specialized branches:
  • ALLERGOLOGY: Syndromes allergic, Atopic syndromes.
  • ANDROLOGY: Impotence, Premature ejaculation, Libido disorders, Infertility.
  • CARDIOLOGY: Arrhythmias (Tachycardia, bradycardia, etc..), Palpitations, Hypertension, Hypotension.
  • DERMATOLOGY: Psoriasis, Acne, Eczema, Dermatitis, Herpes, Alopecia, Vitiligo.
  • ENDOCRINOLOGY: Hypothyroidism, Hyperthyroidism, Disorders of hormonal functions, Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome.
  • GASTROENTEROLOGY: Dyspepsia, Constipation, Colitis, Gastritis, Crohn's disease, Ulcerative colitis, Hemorrhoids, Chronic Hepatitis, Functional disorders of digestive system.
  • GYNECOLOGY: Dysmenorrhea, Amenorrhea, Menstrual irregularities, Menometrorrhagia, Vulvovaginitis, Hypogalactia, Climacteric syndrome, Infertility, Difficulty of continuation of pregnancy.
  • IMMUNOLOGY: Autoimmune Syndromes.
  • SPORTS MEDICINE: Prevention and treatment of stress-related syndromes of preparation and competition.
  • METABOLIC DISEASES: Metabolic syndrome, Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Obesity, Thinness.
  • VASCULAR DISEASES: Obstructive Arterial diseases, Raynaud's disease, Disorders of arteriovenous microcirculation.
  • OPHTHALMOLOGY: Functional disorders of vision.
  • PNEUMOLOGY: Functional disorders of breathing (asthma, dyspnoea, emphysema).
  • PSYCHIATRY: Post-traumatic disorders, Neurovegetative syndromes, Insomnia and Sleep disorders.
  • UROLOGY: Recurrent cystitis, Enuresis, Incontinence, Prostatitis.

  • NEUROLOGY: Neuralgic syndromes, Neuritis, Paresis of the facial, Outcomes from vascular accidents (stroke), Neuromotor dystonia, Balance Disorders, Meniere's Syndrome, Epilepsy syndromes, Headache, Migraine, Neurodegenerative diseases (Multiple Sclerosis, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Parkinson, Dementia), Outcomes from Neonatal hypoxia, Neuropathic pain, Neurovegetative syndromes.
  • ORTHOPEDICS: Osteoarthritis, Ernie discs, Myopathies, Ligamentous laxity, tendon, Rachialgia. Scoliotic Posture, Hyper-hypokiphotic Posture, Hyper-hypolordosic posture, Disturb of the plantar stance, Postural complex disturb.
    • TRAUMATOLOGY: Outcomes of fractures, sprains and muscle injuries.
    • RHEUMATOLOGY: Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, Scleroderma, Periarthritis, Canalicular syndrome (Carpal and tarsal tunnel), Epicondylitis, Fibromyalgia.
    • PNEUMOLOGY: Functional disorders of breathing (Asthma, Dyspnoea, Emphysema).
    • ORL: Functional disorders of swallowing, breathing and balance.
    • DENTISTRY: Bruxism, Dystonia, Disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), Functional disorders of swallowing and breathing.

            Professional and amateur athletes can be afflicted by many pathological conditions, both traumatic and inflammatory. In fact, sports may cause pathology from trauma and overload.
            The specific REAC protocols are able to optimize the neuro muscular management and the athletic gesture, as well as to prevent traumas.
            REAC protocols can be useful in:
            • contractures, strains, muscle tears
            • sprains and ligament injuries
            • fractures
            • tendinopathy
            • vertebral pain (arthritis, herniated disc, spondylolisthesis etc.)
            • cartilage lesions
            • compartment syndromes (nerve canalicular syndromes)
            • performance anxiety syndromes
            • postural disorders
            Rinaldi Fontani Institute - Viale Belfiore 43, 50144 Florence - Phone +39 055 290307 -
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