Neuro Psycho Physio Pathology and Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization - Istituto Rinaldi Fontani - official Site - - REAC technology official Site -


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    Department of Neuro Psycho Physio Pathology and
    Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization

    Epigenetics studies the changes induced in our body by many environmental factors, such as our lifestyles, nutrition, substances with which we come into contact, type of work, chronic stress. All these changes can induce a broad framework of psychiatric and neurological disorders and diseases.

    The most common epigenetic diseases in neurological and psychiatric field are: disorders caused by various types of stress, psychiatric diseases, neurological development disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, particularly those associated with aging such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and senile dementia.
    The Department of Neuro Psycho Physio Pathology and Neuro Psycho Physical Optimization has the diagnostic and therapeutic skills to treat these disorders and diseases.
Rinaldi Fontani Institute - Viale Belfiore 43, 50144 Florence - Phone +39 055 290307 -
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